Our Teachers

Resident Teacher
Geshe Ngawang Theckchock

Geshe Ngawang Theckchock was born in Tibet in the year 1970.

He began learning to read and write Tibetan from his parents at a very young age. At the age of 15 he was enrolled into Phelgey Ling monastery and began his training in Buddhist ritual and prayers, culminating in his receiving ordination.

He began his formal studies in the five treatises of Buddhist Philosophy at the monastery under the tutelage of well-known masters like Venerable Lobsang Nyima, the 100th Gaden Throne Holder, Venerable Lobsang Tenzin, the 103rd Gaden Throne Holder and Venerable Namgyal Wangchen. In 1992 he received full monk ordination from His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama at Drepung monastery.

After successful completion of his studies in this monastery in the year 2007, he went on to study for Geshe Lharampa degree. By dint of his hard work and perseverance, he successfully completed Gelug board examination and earned the much coveted Geshe Lharampa degree in 2013. Thereafter he went to Gyuto tantric monastery to study and practice tantra for one year.

He has been teaching Buddhist Philosophy in Drepeung monastery voluntarily for many years. He has also served as a member of the monastery Examination Board.

At present, Geshe la has been the resident teacher at Thosamling for over a year.

Resident Teacher
Geshe-ma Dawa Dolma

She was born in Tibet in 1982. She came to India in 1993 in order to join Dolmaling Nunnery in Sidhpur, Dharamsala. She studied all the Buddhist topics as part of a study program of Buddhist Philosophy that results into the Geshema degree. Moreover, she attended classes on Tibetan Language and grammar, Tibetan History, modern science, composition, and learnt how to make mandalas. She studied for 3,5 years Sanskrit and Hindi at Sarah College near Dharamsala as well as Varanasi University where she also attended a teacher training course as well.

At Dolmaling Nunnery, she successfully completed the seventeen year course in Buddhist and Tibetan studies as well as the four-year Geshema Degree Program (the latter being conducted from 2015 to 2018. Then having successfully presented her thesis, she was conferred the Geshema Degree (PhD in Buddhist Philosophy) at Khachoe Gakhyil Ling in Nepal on November 5th 2018.

Subsequently, she entered Gyuto Tantric Monastery, Sidhbari, Dharamsala as an external scholar and received tutorials on the major texts as part of a study program of the Tantric teachings. She passed well in both the dialectical debate examination as well as the written examination and on the 15th of February 2020, she obtained the highest grade.

From 2014 she joined Thosamling Nunnery for International Buddhist Women in Sidhpur. She worked as a conversation partner as part of the Tibetan Language Program and taught the Tibetan Language during several Dharma courses.