Psychology for Transforming Stress into Blossoming of your Buddha Nature
2- 13 April 2024
with Geshe Dorji Damdul
We are honoured and excited that Geshe Dorji Damdul has accepted our request to return in 2024 to Thosamling to lead a retreat, the topic will be:
“Psychology for transforming stress into Blossoming of your Buddha Nature”
The teachings are based on the text “In Praise of Dharmadhatu” by Arya Nagarjuna.
I bow to the Dharmadhatu
Which resides in every sentient being
But if they aren’t aware of it
They circle through three realms.
It is a favorable moment to receive these teachings, as it is a complex and confusing time for many of us. We are constantly defeated by the rumination of our minds with its unhelpful meanderings. By becoming aware of the uncontaminated Buddha nature that dwells inside of us all, we can come closer to understanding our realities. Dharmadhatu, the Buddha nature is present in all of us. But we don’t realize it as long as we remain as ordinary. So we see the distorted version of the reality under the sway of ignorance. With ignorance, we are in Samsara. The moment we see Dharmadhatu, wisdom is born in us; ignorance disappears; Samsara comes to an end.
Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul through his finesse for simplifying complex philosophies is going to help us understand how to clean the lens of our perceptions through which we can eliminate the many layers of obscuration all grounded on ignorance. As Arya Nagarjuna said in his work, “In Praise of Dharmadhatu”, Buddhahood is to be sought within not without. It is within us; we only need to make effort to realize or see it.
For registration, email us at [email protected]
Geshe Dorji Damdul
This Retreat led by Ven. Geshe Dorji Damdul, the Former Translator of H.H. the Dalai Lama and currently the Director of Tibet House, Cultural Center of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Delhi.